Well, there are a lot of interesting things to do in the span of one year. I could have done lot of interesting things and updated this interesting things blog with lot of articles on interesting facts or things on various day to day matters. I decided to pen them down today as it is now exactly an year since I wrote my last interesting or not interesting post on this blog.
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What Have I been Doing All These Days?
I have not updated this interesting things blog for a long time (a year). I thought I had updated in November. But it was not so. I had completely gotten out of touch with this blog. Earlier my perception towards writing this blog was different than what I have now. But anyways I have now changed for the better to keep blogging about really interesting things.All the time in the last year I have not updated this blog. I have been busy trading stocks for almost first six months successfully. Then came the period where my day job is taking away lot of my time – day and night. So I could not put enough effort for trading and not even time. That ended me with nice losses in the last six months.
The Past was Different
I could have continued but I did not want to take on a string of losses to go till bankruptcy. This was an important principle of my stock trading or whatever work I do. Unless reason demands this principle is in-built in my stock trading.Thereafter I had thought about taking a good break from stock trading and considering a new reality for my future. I started looking all the things I had done and had wished to do in the past for more than three years since November 2006.
Earlier I wanted to do some interesting things like:
• Writing 1000 articles in a month for Triond
• Writing 5000 articles on different topics in a year
• Writing regularly for my different blogs on interesting things, health and fitness, general news, travel, personal finance and a community blog on self-development
• Become professional day trader, slowly starting from lower capital to higher capital and incorporating several day trading techniques that I learn from practice
• Get good page rank for atleast one blog so that I can get good audience for my work
• Build intangible assets in whatever form

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All of the above things were very interesting to do at that time. But I didn’t realize what I was missing to accomplish all of them. I had done some of them partially. But it is now that I had realized something lacked when I made that plan. The past was different. I have changed now for the better.
New Year New Plans
February month of this year has been a great period for me. I have learned a lot of things that gave a completely new perspective to my daily tasks and goals. I am now more willing to do things for long term benefit than short term. Below are some interesting things that I want to do for the coming year.• Write quality content that is unique and valuable to the readers of my articles
• Write regularly and gradually increase the pace
• Generate traffic to my blogs and articles at Triond
• Get a page rank to my articles
• Write about interesting things on various topics in this blog
• Check blog stats and updates from Google webmaster tools and Google analytics
• Always be open to learn from whatever I do by looking at things done in different perspectives at different times
• Slowly build network of online friends from blogs, community websites or social bookmarking sites through active participation
• Change the daily life-style from a night working person to anytime worker
• Go to bed early and get up early as a routine
• Develop self-discipline
• Gradually go back to stock trading starting with low capital and incorporate all lessons learnt from the past
Since a month I have been on the track of a change in my life-style. I have already started doing some of the above things. I have taken a thirty day trial plan to get up early and go to bed early. I have been doing well for 24 days of this thirty day trial plan. I have been active in writing articles, blogs, social site participation. But I still need to do a lot more. I will keep doing these interesting things over the period of a year.
What is more interesting now is that I have learned why it is important to provide quality content to the reader. Atleast as good as I can provide rather than writing something for the sake of writing. I will keep writing about a lot of interesting things here and at my other places of writing. So keep in touch as I share my thoughts.
Other interesting articles
- Where can we find golden ratio in real life?
- Snoring causes the partner to lose two hours of nights’ sleep
- Study finds that scents can boost memory
- How would it be if your computer laughs occasionally?
- Kate Winslet has accepted a libel settlement with a magazine
Read more!