For your convenience in navigating the blog, I have created this page to showcase the entire collection of my interesting articles on this blog.
Can We Really Accomplish An Armageddon Mission Planned for Future?
How is the Other Partner Affected When One Partner Snores During Sleep?
How Does Golden Ratio Play Significant Role in Our Lives?
20 Fascinating Facts About Fox
Interesting Topics to Write Articles
32 Interesting Facts About Tiger
Can Action Video Games Your Vision?
Why Do the Topics of Paranormal Attract the Attention of Audience Easily?
Children Born with Blindness Could be Protected Through Proper Diet of Mother
Paper made from a Graphite is stronger than Carbon Nanotubes but vulnerable to water
Drink Tomato Soup. Discover Why?
Playing Video Games is Not an Addiction
Where Can We Find the Golden Ratio in Real Life?
Snoring Causes the Partner to Lose Two Hours of Nights’ Sleep
What Kind of Mysterious Bond Exists in Groups of Nanotubes?
The Moons are the Lords of the Rings for Saturn
How would it be if your computer laughs occasionally?
Study Finds That Scents Can Boost Memory
60% of American Women Sleep Poorly
Chocolates Can Save Us from Cancer, Heart Disease and Strokes
Work-At-Home is Risky for Health
HIV-Test Mandatory Before Marriage?
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Collection of 22 Interesting Articles
Posted by Dinesh Raju at 7:30 AM 0 comments
Tags: fascinating facts about, interesting articles collection, Interesting things
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
20 Fascinating Facts About Fox
Fox is one of those few animals that are found all over the globe. It is a carnivore in nature. Here are some fascinating facts about foxes that is not generally known to people.
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Posted by Dinesh Raju at 11:38 PM 8 comments
Tags: animals, fascinating facts about, fox, foxes, Interesting facts about, reddish foxes, white fox
Interesting Topics to Write Articles
Here I am not going to list down a 100 topics that can be fascinating. But I will categorize the ways to write interesting articles that helps find possibly more than 1000 fascinating topics to write on.
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Topics those are attractive by nature
These are the topics that are attractive by nature. Simply the title catches the attention. I can quote examples like:
- these can be action stories or movies,
- all conspiracy theories and controversial topics,
- sex related topics, freebies, etc.
Topics that have interesting things in description
20 Unusual and Astounding Living Organisms
Where can we find golden ratio in real life?
These topics are narrow to specific domains.
Some topics that are made interesting to the reader by the writer
For example,
Interesting topics for all times
- topics on natural disasters, God, mysteries,
- topics on becoming rich quickly,
- topics on popular people in history or present times, popular places,
- topics on wars, adventures, love stories,
- topics on paranormal events, crimes in local neighborhood
Interesting only temporarily
- The Iraqui who had thrown Shoes at George Bush
- Inauguration day of President Barack Obama
- The Announcement of Nano Car by Tata Motors
Read more!
Posted by Dinesh Raju at 10:31 PM 2 comments
Tags: fascinating facts, interesting topics, interesting topics to write articles, readers, writers