Sunday, July 05, 2009

Before and After Weight Loss: Men and Women Pictures

If you are having trouble in taking up a weight loss program even after knowing bad consequences in avoiding it, then you should checkout these photos of men and women before and after their weight loss program. There is a big change in their body, face and beauty that will encourage anybody to take up weight loss now.

Most of these images show people before weight loss on the left part of the image and the same people after weight loss on the right part. In some cases it is reversed but you can still make out which side is before weight loss and which one is after wieght loss program. The intention is to see how much difference it makes on your appearance if you take a weight loss program.

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As you can see it really makes a big difference in appearance in your body, face and beauty etc. after weight loss program. Even if you change from 100 to 80 by losing only 20kgs, you can still see wonderful changes. Hence go for a weight loss program to make these changes in your body.

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Sunday, April 05, 2009

How Does Golden Ratio Play Significant Role in Our Lives?

Golden ratio has lot of significance in our daily lives. We tend to neglect it but inevitably is a part of sense an sensibility.

Actually What is This Golden Ratio?

The golden ratio can be best illustrated by two lines whose lengths are denoted by a and b. When the ratio of (a + b) to a is the same as the ratio of a to b, then we call this ratio as golden ratio.

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The value of the ratio always turns out to be

Golden Ratio is Found in So Many Things in Our Daily Lives

Many plant components are discovered to be somehow involved with this ratio. The modern technical analysts who use technical analysis to predict the movement of stocks, also incorporated the golden ratio in their analyses. The other terms referring to this include golden proportion, divine proportion and mean of Phidias.

The Parthenon, which is a temple of the Greek goddess Athena built in the 5th century BC on the Acropolis of Athens, has many of its proportions approximating the golden ratio. Modern credit cards have an aspect ratio only little lesser than this ratio.

Golden Ratios in Parthenon (Greece)

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Golden Ratios in Laon Cathedral

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Golden Ratios in a Book Spiral and Galaxies

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Golden Ratios in Planetary Distances

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Golden Ratio in A Nautical Shell

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Golden Ratio in A Famous Art

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Golden Ratios in A Bunny
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Golden Rectangle Construction With Golden Ratio
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Fibonacci Spiral Forming Golden Rectangles
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Divine Proportions in A Face
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Finally A Cute Boy Because He Has Golden Ratio :)

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Can Action Video Games Improve Your Vision?

How many times did you think that your eyes are affected by playing action video games on a computer or a playstation? How many people did tell you that your vision will be affected by playing video games? Now the new research has to offer something really cool for all the gamers out there...

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"Action video game play changes the way our brains process visual information" says Bavelier at Rochester U. "These games push the human visual system to the limits and the brain adapts to it. That learning carries over into other activities and possibly
everyday life."

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Good isn't it? I do not know how much they really improve our vision but some studies say that it improves by about 20%.

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Whenever I play action video games I do not bother about the side-effects for eyesight. I just used to play for fun. Now it seems like there is no reason to bother. May be don't play for hours. Take gaps in between to help your body relax and avoid ergonomic problems.

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How is the Other Partner Affected When One Partner Snores During Sleep?

How many times did you find yourself awake for more time because somebody beside you was snoring? What if that somebody was your life partner?

Snoring Reality

I always found it difficult to get to sleep if somebody was snoring while sleeping. Many people have this habit although we generally ignore it. It is not very much noticed because it is now a part of our life. Some people snore loudly with long breath cycles and some people do it fast with lesser sound effects. It is also difficult to get back to sleep if we get up in the middle of the night while someone is snoring.

We should not make them feel bad by pointing fingers at them about their snoring. It is not something they do intentionally but it is the conditioning of their body. Some medical treatment can help.

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What If the Snorer is Your Life Partner?

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But nevertheless it is important to learn the effects of this in the context of a husband and wife life relationship. In a different relationship for example, friends, cousins, parents, relatives etc., it is easy to perhaps tell them to sleep away from us or just tell them to lower the sound. During the night when they are sleeping they may listen to us without much worry. But it becomes even tough situation to handle if the other person is your husband or wife because you cannot tell your partner to sleep at a distance from you.

What are the Effects Concluded from Research?

A research is carried out in United Kingdom to find the effects of a snoring partner in a couple. Here are the key discoveries of this research
  1. They discovered that 85% of couples had snoring problems with their partners.
  2. Out of them 55% have affected their sexual relationship because of snoring.
  3. It is also noted that the partner in a snoring couple, on average loses about two hours of nights’ sleep.

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Well, it may seem like trivial when you look at the average number of hours of lost sleep. But some couples may be having a bad time. They may be losing more hours and must be facing its repercussion effects. Their daily work efficiency or daily life timings may be affected.

If You Can't Adapt... How Can You Help Yourself?

Many people actually get adapted to sleep because we can consider that sound to be like that of a fan. So the lesson you can take from this research is to
  1. understand that there are many people facing this problem and you are not alone
  2. also understand that our body can adapt to partner’s snoring sounds
  3. also understand that only few will be affected badly and if you are among them
  4. consider going to a specialist for help

Don’t neglect it or postpone it if it is severely affecting different aspects of your life. Sleep is the most important component of our life and we regularly sleep without fail. I can’t think of any thing that we do for prolonged period of time regularly every day all through the life time.

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Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Collection of 22 Interesting Articles

For your convenience in navigating the blog, I have created this page to showcase the entire collection of my interesting articles on this blog.

Can We Really Accomplish An Armageddon Mission Planned for Future?

How is the Other Partner Affected When One Partner Snores During Sleep?

How Does Golden Ratio Play Significant Role in Our Lives?

20 Fascinating Facts About Fox

Interesting Topics to Write Articles

32 Interesting Facts About Tiger

Can Action Video Games Your Vision?

Why Do the Topics of Paranormal Attract the Attention of Audience Easily?

Children Born with Blindness Could be Protected Through Proper Diet of Mother

Paper made from a Graphite is stronger than Carbon Nanotubes but vulnerable to water

Drink Tomato Soup. Discover Why?

Playing Video Games is Not an Addiction

Where Can We Find the Golden Ratio in Real Life?

Snoring Causes the Partner to Lose Two Hours of Nights’ Sleep

What Kind of Mysterious Bond Exists in Groups of Nanotubes?

The Moons are the Lords of the Rings for Saturn

How would it be if your computer laughs occasionally?

Study Finds That Scents Can Boost Memory

60% of American Women Sleep Poorly

Chocolates Can Save Us from Cancer, Heart Disease and Strokes

Work-At-Home is Risky for Health

HIV-Test Mandatory Before Marriage?

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Tuesday, March 24, 2009

20 Fascinating Facts About Fox

Fox is one of those few animals that are found all over the globe. It is a carnivore in nature. Here are some fascinating facts about foxes that is not generally known to people.

  • The lifespan of fox is about 10 years. But they die in 2-3 years because of road accidents, hunting by humans or bigger animals like wolves etc. They live for 10 years in Zoos.
  • The smallest species of fox is the Fennec Fox.
fennec fox, smallest of foxesImage Source
  • Fox is a member of the dog family
  • There are 27 species of fox but only 12 of them are true foxes.
  • The foxes are popular all over the globe.
  • Arctic foxes do not hibernate unlike other animals in the arctic.
arctic white fox, that does not hibernate
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  • Foxes are smaller than dogs.
  • The largest fox and most common species is the red fox. It has reddish coat, with a white underbelly and a bushy tail. It is like a big cat.
reddish foxes, red fox
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  • These are funny animals in that they play with their prey before killing it, just like the cat.
  • The fox is an excellent tree climber
  • The arctic fox is white and can camouflage with the snow
  • The Fennec fox weighs only 1.5 kg. Its hearing capacity is exceptional. It can catch its prey even when it is moving underground
  • They are known very well for their night sounds (wow….)
  • The youngest fox in a family is referred to as kit
  • The natural enemies of the fox are the wolves, coyotes, eagles and lynx.
  • They prey on rodents, small birds, rabbits and play a role in balancing ecology.
a jumping red foxImage Source
  • Japanese consider fox to be a sacred animal
  • Except Fennec, foxes are extremely wary of humans and are not domesticated ny humans
  • A Silver fox is domesticated by scientists in Russia after 50 years of selective breeding experiments. This fox is made to be submissive, wag its tail when happy like a dog and become tame.
  • Foxes gather variety of foods ranging from grasshoppers to fruits.

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Interesting Topics to Write Articles

These days there are so many interesting topics to write articles on. Writing articles on interesting topics can in fact let us continue our writing without roadblocks in between. Though the most appealing articles to the audience are the types of 'how to', '10 useful tips' etc., interesting or fascinating topics can also attract loyal readership to your articles. Above all we need to maintain the quality of the writing by making our article caters not just to a small part of audience but as much part as possible.

Here I am not going to list down a 100 topics that can be fascinating. But I will categorize the ways to write interesting articles that helps find possibly more than 1000 fascinating topics to write on.

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Topics those are attractive by nature

These are the topics that are attractive by nature. Simply the title catches the attention. I can quote examples like:
  • these can be action stories or movies,
  • all conspiracy theories and controversial topics,
  • sex related topics, freebies, etc.

Topics that have interesting things in description

Though the topic of the article may not be appealing too much, a little more detail can catch our attention. It is noteworthy to mention that the author has influence on making the topic interesting or not by choosing the description.
For example,
20 Unusual and Astounding Living Organisms
Containing many secrets hitherto undiscovered, the most striking pieces of evidence that human encountered has the greatest impasse for the mystery of life.

Where can we find golden ratio in real life?
The golden ratio has a special significance for many artists, architects and mathematicians as well. Because of its interesting properties it has been used in many real life situations.

These topics are narrow to specific domains.

Some topics that are made interesting to the reader by the writer

Not all topics can be very interesting. There are times when the reader finds interest in the article as he/she continues to read the article. These are topics that the writer makes interesting by providing interesting points or revelations.
For example,

Some things that are not very close part of our life but yet come into contact and affect our life in a big way at times.

Interesting topics for all times

Well, there are some topics that are always fascinating to all types of people living anywhere in the world. These topics can be very generic in nature. There is less need to search for these topics as these are in our everyday lives and affect us significantly. For example,
  • topics on natural disasters, God, mysteries,
  • topics on becoming rich quickly,
  • topics on popular people in history or present times, popular places,
  • topics on wars, adventures, love stories,
  • topics on paranormal events, crimes in local neighborhood

Interesting only temporarily

These topics are seasonal in that they are not always attractive. Over time they lose their fascination. Most of these are covered by front pages of major newspapers everyday. For example,
  • The Iraqui who had thrown Shoes at George Bush
  • Inauguration day of President Barack Obama
  • The Announcement of Nano Car by Tata Motors

Knowing these types of topics can make it easy to find the ideas before we attempt to write on them.

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Interesting Things to do for a Year

Well, there are a lot of interesting things to do in the span of one year. I could have done lot of interesting things and updated this interesting things blog with lot of articles on interesting facts or things on various day to day matters. I decided to pen them down today as it is now exactly an year since I wrote my last interesting or not interesting post on this blog.

Interesting things to do
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What Have I been Doing All These Days?

I have not updated this interesting things blog for a long time (a year). I thought I had updated in November. But it was not so. I had completely gotten out of touch with this blog. Earlier my perception towards writing this blog was different than what I have now. But anyways I have now changed for the better to keep blogging about really interesting things.

All the time in the last year I have not updated this blog. I have been busy trading stocks for almost first six months successfully. Then came the period where my day job is taking away lot of my time – day and night. So I could not put enough effort for trading and not even time. That ended me with nice losses in the last six months.

The Past was Different

I could have continued but I did not want to take on a string of losses to go till bankruptcy. This was an important principle of my stock trading or whatever work I do. Unless reason demands this principle is in-built in my stock trading.

Thereafter I had thought about taking a good break from stock trading and considering a new reality for my future. I started looking all the things I had done and had wished to do in the past for more than three years since November 2006.

Earlier I wanted to do some interesting things like:
• Writing 1000 articles in a month for Triond
• Writing 5000 articles on different topics in a year
• Writing regularly for my different blogs on interesting things, health and fitness, general news, travel, personal finance and a community blog on self-development
• Become professional day trader, slowly starting from lower capital to higher capital and incorporating several day trading techniques that I learn from practice
• Get good page rank for atleast one blog so that I can get good audience for my work
• Build intangible assets in whatever form

Writing Articles
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All of the above things were very interesting to do at that time. But I didn’t realize what I was missing to accomplish all of them. I had done some of them partially. But it is now that I had realized something lacked when I made that plan. The past was different. I have changed now for the better.

New Year New Plans

February month of this year has been a great period for me. I have learned a lot of things that gave a completely new perspective to my daily tasks and goals. I am now more willing to do things for long term benefit than short term. Below are some interesting things that I want to do for the coming year.
• Write quality content that is unique and valuable to the readers of my articles
• Write regularly and gradually increase the pace
• Generate traffic to my blogs and articles at Triond
• Get a page rank to my articles
• Write about interesting things on various topics in this blog
• Check blog stats and updates from Google webmaster tools and Google analytics
• Always be open to learn from whatever I do by looking at things done in different perspectives at different times
• Slowly build network of online friends from blogs, community websites or social bookmarking sites through active participation
• Change the daily life-style from a night working person to anytime worker
• Go to bed early and get up early as a routine
• Develop self-discipline
• Gradually go back to stock trading starting with low capital and incorporate all lessons learnt from the past

Since a month I have been on the track of a change in my life-style. I have already started doing some of the above things. I have taken a thirty day trial plan to get up early and go to bed early. I have been doing well for 24 days of this thirty day trial plan. I have been active in writing articles, blogs, social site participation. But I still need to do a lot more. I will keep doing these interesting things over the period of a year.

What is more interesting now is that I have learned why it is important to provide quality content to the reader. Atleast as good as I can provide rather than writing something for the sake of writing. I will keep writing about a lot of interesting things here and at my other places of writing. So keep in touch as I share my thoughts.

Other interesting articles

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